Non-profit art organization
An over-all workshop fee was set, with a non-refundable deposit required on Wednesday (now Tuesday) afternoon before classes begin, so that Board members no longer miss several hours of studio time in order to attend. A limit of 45 painters was put into effect: one teacher cannot properly handle any more.
The Mississippi Art Colony is, as far as we know, the longest-lived, artist-run, non-profit art organization in the United States. Because of this the Smithsonian Museum asked for, and received, our records, which are now a part of the Museum’s “American Arts” Collection. “Colony” is run by the standard roster of officers: President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer, elected by a nine-member Board of Directors, with committee heads appointed from the general membership. There is a Workshop Director, who–with the exception of instructors–is the only paid worker in the entire enterprise. Everyone else is a volunteer, doing all the work involved in putting on a workshop: setting dates, securing teachers and prizes, sending out notices and publicity. All this is done by artist-volunteers.
Current President, is Jim Perry, of Starkville, with a dedicated Board, and fine committee chairs. Summer sessions for this guiding group have become a part of the routine, helping to keep track of the many things that need attention during the six- or seven-month gap between workshops.
The Mississippi Art Colony, at age 50, is strong and healty. We look forward to many more decades of painting workshops.